Wednesday, September 10, 2008

M&M Soup and Nature Shakers

Today we made M&M soup. I didn't have any dried beans like the Van Klan so we had to make our "soup" from M&Ms. I made recipe cards, too, for each of the kids with hot glued M&Ms of each color and a number beside. I also made notecards with a lower case and upper case letter M for them to place their M&Ms on to make their letters. I taught them that m says "mmmmmm" just like we say when we eat M&Ms. Then, we had some milk to drink to wash down the chocolate. I wish I could show a picture, but my camera is still not working :(.

When we went outside we found another frog or was it a toad? Ethan wants to keep it until daddy comes home. He carried it around very gently for a long time. I am getting better at hiding my true feelings about creatures and critters.

Then, we went out the the Adventure Trails and the kids helped me find some nature items to make some new sound matching shakers like we did earlier this month. We have sand and rocks, twigs, pine needles, water, pine cones, and one more thing that escapes me at the moment. They loved this activity. Even little Zach get excited when he sees the shakers come out. He knows what he is supposed to do and is learning he needs to wait his turn.


Tabitha said...

I like the M&Ms substitute!

Time for a new camera maybe?
An early Christmas present? :)

MerrandaVK said...

My camera is on the fritz now too!! Someone's little hands got a hold of it and messed with the settings and now I can't get it figured out... sigh...

Cute idea to use M&Ms, and Milk great way to practice those Ms. I still have the shakers on my to make list - and I love your idea to do them "nature style".